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Participating countries and possibilities

The citizens of the following countries are currently eligible for scholarship in Croatia based on bilateral educational cooperation: Belgium (Flanders), Bulgaria, China, Germany (Bavaria), Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine.


Scholarships are awarded to students, teachers, scholars and researchers under following categories:


  • one semester studies for students of Croatian language abroad
  • semester / partial studies (3-10 months)
  • undergraduate / graduate studies
  • full PhD programme (36 months)
  • partial PhD studies (12 months)
  • postdoctoral studies, research (1-10 months)
  • research visit (3-21 days or 1-10 months)
  • summer course




Applications are accepted only by competent authorities responsible for the implementation of scholarships programmes! Applications from countries that are not on the list will not be taken into consideration.